Jan Maria Dondeyne

June 19th – August 11th, 2024

The Dorf- und Kulturladen Eberstadt is posthumously showing a retrospective of the artist Jan Maria Dondeyne, who died in 2023.


Dorf- und Kulturladen Eberstadt e.V.
Butzbacher Str. 18
35423 Lich

Open hours

Monday, Thursday and Saturday von 9 - 12 Uhr, Laden
Sunday von 14 - 18 Uhr, Café
...as well as Special opening hours

The Dorf- und Kulturaden Eberstadt is holding a special exhibition in memory of the artist Jan Maria Dondeyne, who died last year. Born in Belgium, Dondeyne studied sculpture at the Leuven Art Academy and later obtained a teaching degree. From 1986, he worked as a freelance artist and taught at art academies. In his "Atelier am See" he gave painting lessons and led seminars.

His works have been shown in many exhibitions both at home and abroad. Dondeyne was awarded the Otto Ubbelohde Prize in 1998. The current exhibition offers a comprehensive overview of his artistic work, from landscapes and architecture to still lifes and paintings of people.

The artist, who had his studio in Hohenahr, is best known in the region for his participation in "Kunst in Licher Scheunen". Dondeyne developed a unique color and visual language and perfected a style in his last years that shows abstracted, calm motifs of people and nature. Characteristic of his works are the almost always faceless figures, painted with broad, pastel strokes.
